Project Euler

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I love math, programming, and problem solving. Project Euler is a website where all of these passions I have come together in perfect harmony. The site provides users with mathematics challenges that mostly require the use of programming to solve, but in some cases pen(cil) and paper work just as well. However you decide to approach the problems, the goal is that you learn more and dive deeper into the infinitely boundless and beautiful world of mathematics and programming.

My Approach

Solving problems on Project Euler is a great way to learn and/or strengthen ones programming skills. Whether you’ve just picked up a new (or old) language and want to try it out, or if your working on refactoring a current solution that you’ve already coded in one particular language, there’s plenty of opportunity for growth on Project Euler. This can also be said about the mathematics side of things. One can learn new concepts or reinforce already learned concepts. Project Euler is for me a place where I go to achieve all of these things.

My Solutions

My solutions are provided below. Each solution is linked to its own post where I describe the problem solving process in some detail. The provided solutions will be in one or many different programming languages, or perhaps it’s one of those that I did with pencil and paper. It is my intention to come back to old solutions and improve on them from time to time. I will do my best to document any changes that I’ve made so it’s clearer to see how my thought process or insights changed with time and new information.