Factors, Divisors, and Multiples

A factor of an integer n, also known as a divisor of n is an integer m that when multiplied by another integer produces n. This can also be worded that n is a multiple of m. An integer n is (evenly) divisible by another integer m if m is a divisor of n. This means that dividing n by m results in no remainder.

A multiple is the product of any quantity of an integer. For example, 35 is a multiple of 7 because 35 = 7 * 5.

There are many ways one can describe the relationship between factors, divisors and multiples. For example, the following three statements are the same:

  • n/m is an integer
  • m divides n
  • m is a factor of n

Example: What are the factors of 8?

  • 1, 2, 4, 8

Is this all? No. We must remember the negative factors as well.

  • -8, -4, -2, -1

For a total of 8 factors:

  • -8, -4, -2, -1, 1, 2, 4, 8

Knowing that we have both negative and positive factors, it is important to remember that the minimum number of factors a number can have is 2!

Example: What are the factors of 1?

  • -1, 1

Example: How many multiples does the number 7 have?

  • An infinite amount

Example: What are the first 5 multiples of 9?

  • 9, 18, 27, 36, 45