Computer Museum

Below is an incomplete list of the computers, keyboards, mice, add-ons, and other misc. peripherals I have acquired over the years. Some of which I have restored to original working condition and some that still need my attention. This is not a complete list by any means but I hope to update it soon so that it reflects my collection more accurately. I plan to include images for each entry so that it is easier for the viewer to identify/recognize said part.

At the moment I have dedicated a small space for the purpose of preserving and exhibiting a small selection of my private collection. Most of which, ironically, are NOT listed below.

Panoramic view of my messy computer museum/room.


ModelLearn more
Acorn Electron
Altos ACS 8000-10A
Amiga 2000HD
Amiga 2000
Amiga 1200
Amiga 600
Amiga 500 Plus
Amstrad CPC 464
Amstrad PPC 640
Apple IIc
AST Advantage! Adventure 6066d
Atari 600XL
Atari 800XL
Atari 520ST
Atari 1040STF
Atari Portfolio
Atari XE System
Bally Professional Arcade (ABA-1000-2)
Commodore VIC20
Commodore 64C
Commodore PET 2001
Commodore PC40-III
Hewitt Rand V40
IBM 701c
IBM PalmTop PC110
IMSAI (IMS Associates, Inc.)
Northstar Advantage
Ohio Scientific Challenger 1P
Panasonic FX-1650
Sinclair 128k ZX Spectrum+2
Symbolics XL-401
Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer (26-3001)
Tandy 128k Color Computer 3 (26-3334)
Tandy 102 Portable Computer
Tandy TRS-80 Model 4
Toshiba Libretto 50ct
Toshiba Libretto 100ct
VTech Laser 128
VTech Laser Compact XT


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Tandy Enhanced Keyboard


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GI-600 (2-Button Mouse)
Amiga Mouse 327 124 (2-Button Mouse)

Misc. Peripherals/Add-on Cards/Graphics cards etc…

ADM 5 Terminal
A2000-HC+8Series II Rev 2. Card
Impact A2000-030 ComboRev 3 Card
Blizzard 2060 Turbo Board
Blizzard 1220/4
A2901Rev 4 Card
G-Force 030 (Impact A2000-030 Combo Series II)Rev 4 Card (Video Card)
Personal TBC IIRev 3 Card (Video Card)
SuperGen: SG-10
Amiga 1011 External 3.5 Drive
Vidi Amiga (12)Video Adapter/Converter
SupraRam 500RX
A1200 Case(s)


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Atari 2600 (Heavy Sixer)
Atari 2600 (Darth Vader)
Atari XEGS
Bally Professional Arcade (ABA-1000-2)
Commodore 64
Magnavox Odyssey 2
Microsoft Xbox
Neo-Geo (Consolized MV-1C Arcade board)
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Nintendo DS
Nintendo Game & Watch
Nintendo Gameboy
Nintendo Gameboy Advance SP
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Wii
Super Nintendo
Panasonic 3DO Interactive Multiplayer
Sega Dreamcast
Sega GameGear
Sega Genesis (Model 1)
Sega Genesis (Model 2)
Sony Playstation 1
Sony Playstation 2
Sony Playstation 3
Sony Playstation 4

Gaming Peripherals

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Power Glove (Large)
XBand Modem (SNES)
XBand Modem (Genesis)
XBand Keyboard